In the flow of music


Rivers unite - like the Elbe, which flows from the Czech Republic via Dresden and Hamburg to the North Sea. In the current spring project, the children and young people of the Musaik Orchestra learn through a combination of environmental education, creative techniques and music education that the great river is particularly worth protecting.


In cooperation with the Sächsischen Staatskapelle Dresden, the Jugendkunstschule Dresden, the Umweltbildungszentrum Dresden and the Ausländerrat Dresden e.V., the young people will experience a musical masterclass, workshops on upcycling paper and instrument making. They will also design their own stage set using giant paper cut-outs. After an intensive creative camp during the winter holidays in Prohlis, it all comes together in the big final concert.


It will take place on Wednesday, 16 April 2025 at 17:00 in the gym of the 121st secondary school 'Johann Georg Palitzsch' (Gamigstraße 28). Admission is free.


17.00 Uhr

Gym of the 121st secondary school 'Johann Georg Palitzsch'


Admission is free!

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